mat, metadata, pathways, DA_cutoff, DA_testtype = 'ttest',
custom_background = None
Class for overrepresentation analysis
- mat (pd.DataFrame) : dataframe containing input metabolomics data
- metadata (pd.Series) : series containing phenotype metadata e.g 'COVID', 'NON-COVID'
- pathways (pd.DataFrame) : pathway dataframe containing compound identifiers
- DA_cutoff (float) : pFDR cutoff for selecting differential metabolites e.g. 0.05 or 0.01
- DA_testtype (str) : Test type for selecing differential metabolites. Can either be 'ttest' (default) for the independent students T-test or 'mwu' for the Mann Whitney U test, both as implemented in SciPy.
- custom_background (list) : background list of identifiers, default is to use annotated compounds in input data (i.e. mat.columns)
Function for over representation analysis using Fisher exact test (right tailed)
DataFrame of ORA results for each pathway, p-value, FDR p-value, hits ratio, coverage of pathway, and identifiers of differential metabolites