organism, infile = None, download_latest = False, filepath = None,
omics_type = 'metabolomics', identifiers = None
Function to load Reactome pathways
- organism (str) : Reactome organism name
- infile (str) : default None, provide a Reactome pathway file to process into the GMT-style dataframe
- download_latest (Bool) : Downloads the latest version of Reactome metabolic pathways
- filepath (str) : filepath to save pathway file to, default is None - save to variable
- omics_type (str) : If using download_latest, specify type of omics pathways to download. Options are 'metabolomics', 'proteomics', 'transcriptomics', or 'multiomics'
- identifiers (list) : list of identifiers to download for multi-omics pathways, default is None (download all). Options are 'chebi', 'uniprot', 'gene_symbol'
GMT-like pd.DataFrame containing Reactome pathways
organism, infile = None, download_latest = False, filepath = None,
omics_type = 'metabolomics'
Function to load KEGG pathways
- organism (str) : KEGG organism code
- infile (str) : default None, provide a KEGG pathway file to process into the GMT-style dataframe
- download_latest (Bool) : Downloads the latest version of KEGG metabolic pathways
- filepath (str) : filepath to save pathway file to, default is None - save to variable
GMT-like pd.DataFrame containing KEGG pathways
Function to load pathways from a custom GMT-like file
- infile (str) : default None, provide a GMT pathway file to process into the GMT-style dataframe, file ending can be .csv or .gmt
GMT-like pd.DataFrame containing pathways
organism, infile = None, download_latest = False, filepath = None,
omics_type = 'metabolomics'
Function to load PathBank pathways
- infile (str) : default None, provide a PathBank pathway file to process into the GMT-style dataframe
- download_latest (Bool) : Downloads the latest version of PathBank metabolic pathways
- filepath (str) : filepath to save pathway file to, default is None - save to variable
- omics_type (str) : If using download_latest, specify type of omics pathways to download. Options are 'metabolomics', 'proteomics', or 'multiomics'
GMT-like pd.DataFrame containing PathBank pathways